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Trust in the Transition

Writer's picture: Kelly AdamsKelly Adams

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Just as we’re all experiencing the chaos of this political climate, we’re also experiencing the chaos of transitions in our own lives. Your life may be at a standstill or going through some big changes right now. You might feel like you are stuck between old and new, stuck in the middle of something that is happening to you, but not being able to control it or change it.

It's that feeling where you're occupying more of yourself more than you ever have, feeling into new parts of you and you're still getting acquainted, but it feels goooood.

It's that feeling of relief and hope that resurfaces after what seems an eternity of heavy sludge. It's the energy you get when you finally realize it's time to let go, because if you don't there will never be room for anything else.

It's having faith in yourself even when your ego doesn't want to believe it anymore.

It's that feeling of relief that comes when you realize the world isn't going to come crashing down around your ears, your life is not over and you're not a crazy person. You can breathe again!

It's like a cloud has lifted, or you're standing outside in the sunshine after being trapped in a dark room for weeks. The world isn't falling apart, my life isn't over, I'm not crazy and I can breathe again!

This is not to say that your ego has taken over completely - far from it. But the fear has subsided enough for you to recognize this moment as something more than just another step toward healing; rather it's something special: a glimpse into who you are without all those layers on top of you (or maybe even behind you!).

It's that moment when you've started to get a little bit more comfortable in your own skin—when you're feeling into new parts of yourself and still getting used to how things feel, but it feels good.

It's the space between knowing something and knowing it in your bones. It's the place where we get to know ourselves better than ever before--and also learn what we don't know yet at all! This is good news because then we can figure out how to get there (or not).

Self-discovery is the most important and fulfilling aspect of our lives, but it's only available to us when we push through challenges.

You're not quite fully stable and grounded yet, but you’re making progress. The transition feels like this: old to new, disorienting and exhilarating at the same time.

You have your first taste of freedom from what was holding you back for so long--but also a taste of what could have been had you let go sooner or been more willing to take risks earlier on in life (or maybe even before).

You're moving forward with a sense of purpose toward something bigger than yourself: A higher goal or purpose that feels like home because it aligns with who you really are at heart--even though there will still be times when those old patterns come back around again like they always do when we least expect them to show up unexpectedly out of nowhere like some kind of surprise attack!

When we're in transition or stuck in the middle (like many right now), the key is to take care of yourself first so you can better take care of others. Are you struggling with self-care? Here are some ideas:

Ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need--and if someone offers, accept it! If they don't offer, ask anyway.

Set boundaries around how much time and energy people can take from you without reciprocation. Your needs matter too! And remember that people don't always understand why we have these needs; it's okay if they don't get it right away--your job is just to keep talking about them until they do get it (or realize that their behavior isn't working). This might mean saying "no" more often than usual at first; but once those conversations become easier, life will start feeling better overall because there'll be less conflict between what's going on inside vs outside our bodies/minds/spirits...

Yes, the ego wants to hurry this up so you can get back to normal life. But if our normal life is a place where we don’t feel our emotions or experience ourselves as whole humans, then what’s the point? I would much rather be in this in-between space than trying to force myself back into old patterns that no longer serve me but feel familiar because they’re all I know anymore.

If you want to know how I've learned to manage and lead myself with more patience, grace, and understanding as I grow—and what my coaching program is like — Let's Connect!

xx, Kel

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