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Mindset Coaching

Writer's picture: Kelly AdamsKelly Adams

Updated: Mar 15, 2023


Mindset coaching is a relationship that helps you develop a powerful relationship with yourself. When you have this, it allows you to transform negative thinking into positive and overcome fears of failure, disapproval and rejection. You can find the source of fear and doubt so that you can walk through obstacles with confidence and ease. It helps cultivate humility, patience and appreciation while eliminating judgments about others as well as yourself. Mindset coaching goes beyond traditional coaching because it moves forward from old emotional wounds by releasing past emotional pain

Develops a powerful relationship with yourself.

A powerful relationship with yourself is the foundation of a healthy mindset. It allows you to move through blocks and obstacles, find the source of fear and doubt, so that you can walk through obstacles with confidence and ease. When we are able to love ourselves unconditionally, we no longer judge others or ourselves.

Transforms negative thinking into positive.

  • Negative thinking can hold you back.

  • You can get rid of negative thinking and replace it with positive thoughts.

  • Here's how to do it:

Allows you to overcome fears of failure, disapproval and rejection.

Fear is a natural response to danger, and it's helpful in keeping you safe. But sometimes fear can be excessive—occurring when it's not actually dangerous or even necessary to feel afraid.

Sometimes we are afraid of situations that aren't really dangerous, but we think they are because of the way our minds react to them. For example: If a child has been bitten by a dog before, he might develop an irrational fear of dogs as an adult even though there's no real reason for him to be afraid anymore.

Fear can also come from past experiences where you were hurt or humiliated by someone else who was angry with you (for example: your partner yells at you). In this situation fear becomes an automatic reaction that is triggered whenever anyone expresses anger towards us again in the future!

Mindset coaches help clients identify what patterns of thinking lead to excessive fears so that they can learn new ways of thinking and behaving instead. This helps clients confront their fears without becoming overwhelmed by them!

Finds the source of fear and doubt, so that you can walk through obstacles with confidence and ease.

How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m not a quitter!”? Or, “I don’t give up until the job is done.” What they mean is that they won't quit until they've completed their task or project, but what we're really saying when we use those terms is that quitting isn't an option.

Why do people refuse to quit? Because quitting means failure—and failure means feeling like a loser or being judged as such by others... and maybe even ourselves. If we believe that quitting means failing, then it becomes difficult for us to stop doing something once we've started it (even if it's something we know deep down isn't good for us).

The fear of failure stops many people from taking action on their goals and dreams—but fear can also hold you back from getting things done while you're still in the process of achieving them! Fear itself doesn’t exist in the present moment; it exists only because of your belief about how terrible things will be after something negative happens (in this case: failure).

Helps you cultivate humility, patience and appreciation.

Cultivating humility, patience and appreciation. Humility is a key component of success. We all need to come to terms with the fact that we are not as good as we think we are, and starting each day with this awareness will help us be more considerate of others. Patience is also an important virtue that contributes to our ability to live in harmony with others; it allows us to better understand their motivations and therefore respond appropriately. And appreciation is essential because it allows you to see the value in everything around you—including people who may seem less than perfect at first glance!

Eliminates judgments about others and yourself.

The first step in eliminating judgments is to understand that they are not useful. They do not help you or anyone else. They cause you to feel bad, and the more you judge, the worse you feel about yourself and others. The more people judge each other, the more they will start judging themselves and the world around them too. And this cycle of suffering will continue until we decide to change our thinking patterns in order to create a better life for ourselves and others!

Moves forward from old emotional wounds by releasing past emotional pain.

When you take on a mindset coach, you get to make the decision to move forward from old emotional wounds. You get to choose whether or not you want to be held back by past emotional pain.

Whether it's your parents' divorce, an unhealthy relationship with a family member or friend, bullying at school—whatever it is that has left deep scars in your heart—it doesn't have to hold you back from living the life of your dreams.

Mindset coaches help clients clear their minds of past emotional pain and replace it with gratitude for the present moment. This allows them to see things differently and start new habits that will create positive change in their lives.

Mindset is the foundation of success and leadership

Your mindset is the foundation of your success, leadership, happiness and peace. It's also the foundation of your health and well being.

Your beliefs create your reality. If you believe that people are good and want to help you, then people will want to help you. If you believe that everyone has their own agenda and no one can be trusted, then that's how life will seem in all its interactions with others (and yourself).

When we change our mindsets from negative to positive ones we start creating better lives for ourselves because our minds become more open and receptive to new ideas, perspectives and possibilities than before when we were stuck in old ways of thinking about things which usually lead us into repeating old patterns over time without even realizing what's happening until it becomes really hard to break free from those patterns again once they have taken hold strongly enough that changing them becomes almost impossible due to fear or uncertainty around what might happen next time instead of excitement about where things could go next if only we had faith enough not worry so much about whether everything would turn out well or even whether it wasn't already perfect right now but only needed some tweaking here or there before being ready for prime-time operation."


Mindset coaching is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. It gives you the ability to think in a positive way and overcome obstacles more easily. If you’re looking for a way to improve your mindset, then I highly recommend booking a free discovery call with Kelly to see if Mindset Systems are what’s missing in your life or business.

Kelly Adams

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