"Here's a sneak peek from my upcoming series of short stories, crafted with the next generation in mind. I'm on a mission to instill the idea that feeling is not only safe but also a superpower. Join me in nurturing emotional intelligence from a young age, empowering them with the tools to navigate and manage their feelings. Together, let's raise a generation that thrives on emotional understanding and resilience."
Once upon a time in a charming little town... lived a spirited girl named Kelly. Kelly was bright, kind-hearted, and loved by everyone. She had a passion for learning and a smile that could light up the room. But one day, something unexpected happened that left Kelly feeling unsure of herself.
As Kelly walked through the schoolyard, she overheard some girls whispering. They said unkind things about her appearance, making her feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Those words lingered in her mind, creating a cloud of doubt. Before she knew it, those little voices of negativity started popping up in her head. "Maybe they're right. Maybe I am not good enough or pretty enough," Kelly thought to herself.
Days turned into weeks, and Kelly's confidence began to waver. She started believing the hurtful words she had heard. Her smile started to fade, and her enthusiasm dimmed. She felt like she was losing a part of herself.
One sunny afternoon, as Kelly was wandering in her favorite park, she looked up and saw her friend, Owl, perched high in a tree. Owl was known for her wisdom and gentle nature. Kelly decided to share her feelings with Owl, hoping to find some solace.
"Hello, dear Kelly," said Owl, sensing that something was off. Kelly poured out her heart, explaining how the hurtful words had made her doubt herself.
Owl listened attentively, her big, wise eyes filled with understanding. "Kelly, my dear, feelings are like passing clouds. They may feel heavy at times, but they don't define who you are. You are strong, kind, and beautiful just as you are."
With Owl's guidance, Kelly learned about the power of her feelings and how they could sometimes trick her into thinking untrue things. Owl taught her to step back, observe her thoughts, and choose to believe in her own worth.
As days went by, Kelly practiced what she had learned. Whenever those negative thoughts tried to sneak in, she remembered Owl's words and chose to embrace her true self. And with each passing day, her smile began to return, brighter and more radiant than ever.
In the enchanting world of Kelly and the Wise Owl, Kelly discovered the strength within her to silence the doubts and rise above negativity. And by embracing her true self, she not only found her confidence but also inspired those around her to do the same.
Remember that you too have the power to overcome self-doubt and embrace your unique brilliance. Just like Kelly, you are extraordinary in your own way, and the world is waiting for you to shine.
The end.

**Application: Here are three simple questions kids can use to work through their feelings:
1. How Am I Feeling?
Encourage kids to identify and name their emotions. Ask them, "How are you feeling right now?" This question helps them become aware of their emotions and develop emotional vocabulary.
2. Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Help kids explore the reasons behind their emotions by asking, "What happened that made you feel this way?" This question encourages them to connect their feelings to specific events or situations.
3. What Can I Do About It?
Empower kids to think about constructive ways to manage their feelings with the question, "What can you do to make yourself feel better?" This encourages them to consider healthy coping strategies and problem-solving techniques.
These questions can guide kids in understanding, expressing, and effectively managing their emotions in a positive and constructive manner.
xo, Kelly